Juaimurah Loves Norma & Rafiq Month

Alhamdulillah.. thanks to all of you who have supported our Raya Runtuh Sale last week.
It was good Alhamdulillah and i hope all the moms out there managed to get what you desired for your baby..
The above cute lil man.. is not mine..
he belongs to a special couple.. Talib & Norma
Rafiq.. as handsome as his name.. is now 7mths old and growing healthy..
unfortunately... his mom.. has no chance to be there for him..
It was good Alhamdulillah and i hope all the moms out there managed to get what you desired for your baby..
The above cute lil man.. is not mine..
he belongs to a special couple.. Talib & Norma
Rafiq.. as handsome as his name.. is now 7mths old and growing healthy..
unfortunately... his mom.. has no chance to be there for him..

She has been suffering due to brain cancer.. yes.. brain cancer..
and she found out about the sickness only after she safely delivered him.. Allah Almighty..
She is still bedridden now after surgeries.. and being taken care by his beloved hubby & mother
I believe most of you knew about this story.. either from the TV3 MHI last week
or from Moons Blog... And She is the special sister in law of Talib..
its an amazing story.. please read it here at Moon's Blog
and she found out about the sickness only after she safely delivered him.. Allah Almighty..
She is still bedridden now after surgeries.. and being taken care by his beloved hubby & mother
I believe most of you knew about this story.. either from the TV3 MHI last week
or from Moons Blog... And She is the special sister in law of Talib..
its an amazing story.. please read it here at Moon's Blog
why am i telling you guys this???
i have shared this story a while ago.. when moon started telling us
since then i messaged moon and had became a friend
i wanted to be more involved in this by helping
i could just transfer an amount to norma's CIMB account 01070068677528
and go on with my life..
but will that be enough???
i finally had this idea of having
Juaimurah Loves Norma & Rafiq Month
this way.. i can involve you guys.. my lovely customers... in this deal
from 15th August 2011 to 15th Sept 2011
any purchases made from this blog/fb page..
5% of the total purchase will belong to Norma & Rafiq..
yes... i want it to go to this little boy.. as when we are having fun purchasing toys n clothes for our childrens.. i want them to be in our mind..
not only them.. but anyone out there who is much less fortunate than us..
all you have to do is purchase as normal.. we will make the rest happen
i will announce on the last date the amount of how much will the contribution be..
and the amount will be from Juaimurah & Customers.. not from me.. :-)
I pray that this little help that i can do.. will somehow manage to help Talib, Norma & Rafiq's condition.. May Allah bless them and bless all of us too
ps - direct contributions can be made to Norma's acc as above too
love for all
cabai kering @ rose