Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How Long Can You Breastfeed Once You Start Working??

What do you do to continue breastfeeding even when you are working?
Here are a few things you can consider and follow so you can still breastfeed your child even when you’re back to work.
You started to breastfeed your baby because you find that the benefits it can give outweigh the disadvantages. Breast milk boosts your baby’s immune system and it saves you a lot of money. However, your maternity leave is almost over and you’re about to get back to work. You are now concerned with how you can go on doing it while you are working.
There has been a study among breasfeeding mothers that working moms are more likely to stop breastfeeding between two to six months due to their work. So, what do you do to continue breastfeeding even when you are working? Here are a few things you can consider and follow so you can still breastfeed your child even when you’re back to work.
Purchase a quality breast pump that will be appropriate for your needs. If you plan to pump for most of your baby’s daily feedings, then buy a pump that can give you the most benefits. A double electric pump will enable you to save time because it can pump both breasts at the same time. There are different types of breast pumps available in the market that will suit your daily pumping needs. Choose the one that will be affordable and appropriate for your situation.
Talk to your employer before going back to work about your pumping milk at the office.
Tell your boss about what you intend so you can get his or her support. But if your boss is hesitant about it, then reassure him or her that this will not keep you from accomplishing your responsibilities in the office.
Determine and keep your daily schedule for pumping milk.
Find out the times when you have the most milk and schedule your pumping session at these times. It is also recommended to express milk after three to four hours but be flexible in case there are emergency and urgent situations at work. Whenever possible, add an extra pumping session to your daily schedule. In this way, you will have extra milk for those times when you cannot pump because of a busy schedule.
Relax while having your pumping session.
As you pump milk from your breast, do not think about the things that you still need to do. Instead of filling your mind with work-related concerns, try to think about your baby and enjoy the moment. You can close your eyes and give your time to rest while doing it. You can also look at the picture of your baby or imagine holding your baby.
Store expressed milk properly.

Always label the bottle of expressed milk with the date before placing it inside the refrigerator at home or on an insulated lunchbox when you are at work. This will ensure that the milk pumped earlier will be consumed first than those that were extracted at a later time. Keep an extra bottle of expressed milk inside the fridge at home. At room temperature, breast milk can last up to 10 hours. Inside the refrigerator, it can be stored up to 8 days. It can be even last up to 2 weeks when stored inside the freezer compartment.
Determine your baby’s daily feedings. Find out how many bottles of milk your baby can drink within the time that you are away for work and add an extra bottle so you won’t have to worry about having an extra pumping. Also, monitor which of the bottles you have placed on the fridge had been consumed and if there is any bottle of milk left for your baby.
Dress up suitably for your pumping sessions. You can bring a jacket, a blazer or a cardigan sweater to work to cover up any leak spots after a pumping session. To avoid embarrassment, it is best to bring something that you can wear over your blouse or office uniform when the unexpected happens. You should also wear absorbent nursing pads or bring an extra for leaks. Breastfeeding working moms are also advised to wear printed tops instead of plain-colored ones so that leaks may not be easily seen.
With proper planning for your pumping at the workplace, you don’t need to worry working mom. You can do it! Just follow these tips and you’ll be able to handle the role of a breastfeeding working mom.

ps - credit to the asian parents study :-)