Monday, January 17, 2011

Juaimurah I Sleep With My Toy Contest

Hi Ya All...

Its January and its Juaimurah Annibersary Month!

Yes we are 2 years old now... Alhamdulillah

So again.. its time to have fun
Lets have another round of picture contest ya!!!

1. get a nice picture of your baby (boyfriend pun boleh) sleeeping (dapatkan gambar anak yang sedang tidur). Sleeping partner must be a toy of his/her favourite! (gambar anak tidur bersama mainan kegemarannya ye )
2. email it to and put in ur name, facebook acc link, picture description (emailkan gambar ke dan sertakan nama facebook anda dan description gambar)
3. we will upload the picture in juaimurah preloved facebook (saya akan upload gambar ke dalam juaimurah preloved facebook)
4. tag urself and 49 of your friends on the picture & post the picture link on your facebook page (tag diri anda sendiri dan sekurang2nya 49 kawan di gambar tersebut)
5. wait for the judgement day! (tunggu untuk menang!)
6. we will get all juaimurah members to click like to get the winner! (kami akan bagi peluang semua fan juaimurah preloved buat keputusan siapa yang memang)
sleeping angel with the most like click will win!!!

submission period - 17th January - 31st January
1. 1 facebook account.. 1 picture (satu akaun satu gambar je)
2. tagged names must remain atleast 45 people until the contest ends (org yg di tag tu kena remain sampai akhir contest)
3. have fun (penting nih!)
and finally...
the prizes :-)
No 1 - RM100 voucher from Juaimurah
No 2 - RM75 voucher from Juaimurah
No 3 - RM50 voucher from Juaimurah
3 consolation RM15 voucher each :-)

!!!Jom Join!!!