Thursday, May 28, 2009

Corrupted Memory Card...Brings Back The Memories

i was supposed to upload more photos today camera gets tired of me n had the memory card corrupted
upon searching for the pictures..hoping that its hidden somewhere..
i found these old pictures..
it was taken about 4 to 5 years ago..

these are the pictures of Muhd Meera Lee aka Ali Boy(taken with the same camera!)
what caught me in this picture was the passion i had in it was the same as what i have in this blog
I used to have crazy passion for toys
We used to visit our fav shop ToysRuS almost every week!
And Aliboy will be very happy getting his favourite mNm's and poses for us nicely
i used to buy brand new toys like tikes n fp items
and looking back at the moment.. i feel so frustrated
that we didnt have the mindset of selling used toys during then...rugi betul!
anyway... Aliboy is 6 years old now and have 2 little brothers and he lost 2 teeths recently

By the way.. the below coupe is sold. I sold it when i first started to sell off my used items
it was sold to Lynn from Penang

sorry n thanks for reading this non added value just bored with the camera..
anyone letting go a good one please sms me ya!


buy used items... as long as they are still good, it saves alot of earth energy n
they save you alot of $$$!