Monday, June 25, 2012

Britax Prince CAr Seat

 cond 9/10
universal 9-18kg
3 sitting position
superb quality n big cutting

RM325 -sold

Vtech Activity Learning Tree

 cond 9/10
functions perfectly
giving with 1 ball only

RM60 - sold

MEDELA Mini Electric Pump

cond 9/10
comes with parts and extra membrane
fnctions perfectly

RM198 -s old


 Cond 9/10
functions perfectly

RM55 -sold

Vtech My Laptop

 Cond 9/10
functions perfectly

RM75 -s old


Like New Monkey Business Game Box

 ELC Monkey Business Game Set
for 3-8years old
a fun family game

RM35 - sold

Vtech First Steps Baby Walker

 cond 9/10
functions perfect
missing phone as usual

RM94 -s old

Vtech Crawl n Learn Bright Lights Ball

cond 9/10
functions perfect

RM47 - sold